Hello Everyone,
I thought I would give you some weight updates and some other news in Triplet world!
Alex is 4lb 7oz, Benjamin is 3lb 11oz, and Cameron is 4lb 9oz.
Alex and Cameron got circumcised on Tuesday. Ben will most likely get his done next week. Since he is still in an incubater they have to wait until he is in an open crib. He will get moved into an open crib in the next few days as long as he maintains his own body temperature, then a few days after that he can be circumcised.
The doctors have been talking about sending Alex and Cameron home sometime next week, as early as Monday. This is pending they get through the weekend with out and complications and they have to pass their car seat test. That is where they are put into the car seat for 90 minutes, and they can't have any heart rate decelerations that last longer than 20 seconds.
For those of you who haven't heard.......Jackie has decided to stay with us full time. She is going to live with us for a year! She is a real life saver.
That is about it for now.
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